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Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Management: Manegement is a process of activities compeleted effectively and efficiently through and by others.
Difference b/w Effectiveness & Efficiency:
Resources & goals:Effectiveness is just concerned with to achieve the goal with given resources.
Efficiency is concerned with to not only achieve the goal but to save something or to get more then the goal.
Input & Output:Effectiveness is concerned with to get well output from a given input.
Efficiency is concerned with to get the maximum output with minimum input.
Do the things right or to do the right things:Effectiveness is concerned eith to do the right things.
Efficiency is concerned with to do the things right.
An eeficient employee is also effective but it is not neccessary that an effective employee is always efficient.
So a good manager should be efficient not only effective.
Manager:Someone who coordinates oversees the work of other people order to accomplish organisational goals.                           OR
A manager is a person who get the work completed with the help of other people.

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