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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sir Sufiyan Masud

Direct observation

1. Definition of direct observation

Direct Observation is a method in which a researcher observes and records behavior / events / activities / tasks / duties while something is happening.
2. What are contents should be observed?
The analyst observes some content as follows:
• Input as material, input products
• Output products
• The tasks performed
• Work environment
• Tools and equipment used
• Interrelationships with other workers
• Pace at which activities are done
• Working conditions
3. Types of direct observation method

• Observation by camera
• Visual Observation
• Photographic Observations
• Video Observations
• Radio Observations
• Telescopic Observations

4. Remarks of direct observation method
• The analyst must make sure that he obtains a proper sample for generalization.
• The analyst must observe average workers during average conditions.
• Reactivity can be a problem with direct observations, which is where the worker changes what he/she normally does because he/she is being watched.

5. Process of direct observation method
• Make direct observation plan and inform to user if any.
• Follow plan.
• Report: In this process, notes should be written regarding activities observed.
• Interview: interview worker and get additional information from him. Ask the person to clarify points not understood and to explain what other activities he or she performs that you didn’t observe.

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